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Let us show you how quickly GibbsCAM can start making money for you, often paying for itself in the first few months. We would like the opportunity to visit and demonstrate how with GibbsCAM your staff can easily create CNC programs for your machine tools, for your parts using your data files compared to how you're programming now.

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Annual Educational GibbsCAM Class Schedule


Texas Offline is holding our Annual Educational Classes the week of June 12, 2006.  “Last years class was our largest attendance by far and a huge success, we are anxious about our 2006 class”, said Jason Heyse.  Like Gibbs Corporate, & their commitment to Education in our industry, Texas Offline is equally committed to educating our Professors on programming with GibbsCAM so they can teach the popular GibbsCAM that their students can easily learn /use /get employment with.  “ It only makes sense to teach the students an easy CAM that they can readily get employment with immediately after graduation,  why train them on an outdated old CAM system that no one is using or supporting anymore”, advises Jason.   These special classes are offered only to Professors of   High Schools & Universities that need training on GibbsCAM and can go toward your required course training credits. Any professors that are considering teaching GibbsCAM in the new semester are also invited to attend.

The 8:00-5:00 daily classes will be taught Monday through Friday by a Certified Instructor at the Houston Facility for the low price of $500.00 for the entire week..  Every aspect of Lathe, 2D Mill, 3D Mill, Rotary, Advance Mill, & Solid Import are covered in this discounted class. David Wasserman, certified teacher explains, “I enjoy this class ever year.  We cover so much ground in one week, & the students pick it up so fast.”  Included with the class is use of a personal computer station, take home manuals and a Certificate of Completion to apply toward their required course training credits.

 In addition, students taking the class have the option of purchasing copies of the Virtual CD Trainer at the reduced rate of $40.00 per Module, this week only.  The CDs can be used at their convenience to sharpen Gibbs skills, or use as a reference throughout the year.  The CDs take the user through step by step or by specific function. The Virtual CD Trainer simulates the same Gibbs process discussed in the Classroom using the graphics you are familiar with in GibbsCAM.

The Educational classes will be held at the Official Houston Training Center on Grant Road, near Highway 249 in northwest Houston. For more specific information, syllabus or to reserve a space, please call Margie @ 281/251-5237 .

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