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GibbsCAM - Wire EDM


The Wire-EDM module provides high-quality, easy-to-use programming capabilities for CNC Wire-EDM machines. It is graphical and flexible with a robust feature set that can be fully integrated into the GibbsCAM system. Geometry for EDM parts can be created using GibbsCAM’s geometric modeling capability, imported using GibbsCAM’s various data exchange mechanisms or a combination of both. Post processor support is included for all major brands of Wire-EDM machines.

Wire-EDM module


Capabilities to handle the most demanding Wire-EDM applications.

Synchronization Points
Allows synchronization of top and bottom wire guides at any position on the shapes giving the user full control of the wire motion.

Automatic Skim Cuts
Allows forward and reverse roughing and finishing passes automatically varying wire speed, flushing, offset, electrical current and other technology values for the desired finish.

Part Information
View and change part information, including stock size, dielectric fluid, start wire position and wire material.

Modify Twisted Shapes
Scale, rotate and shift geometry when cutting twisted shapes.

Modify Taper
Pick any element angle with a taper angle and change it.

No Core Cutting
Used when making small cuts that don’t have a slug.

E-Pack Tables
Define and store E-pack settings for reuse.


Ensures high quality visualization of the part.

EDM Wire Animation
Full color animation of wire path makes it easy to visualize the process and modify it.

Full Color
Full color, high-resolution display allows the user to specify colors for background, origin marker, cut shapes and wire path animation to clearly and distinctly see the part, markers, animation, as well as validate the machining.

Viewing options View and create geometry workgroups in XY, XZ or YZ machining planes as well as an isometric view, a userinteractive rotation, and multiple viewpoints.

Zoom Capability
Zoom in at any time, in any viewing plane, as many times as the viewer wants. Zoom into a complex area of a part for clarity and continue working.


Highly flexible and user-friendly from the novice to the power user.

User definable machining strategy
Define the sequence of roughing, skim cuts and gluestop removal operations to allow alternate strategies to be applied, to enable automatic switching between manned and hands-off cutting methodology.

UV Travel Analyzer
Analyze the maximum travel between the top and bottom wire guides to compare against the EDM machine’s UV travel limitations.

Status Windows
Continuous access to windows giving the status of each “marker” on the part, including position, editable entry and exit radius, and single-feature cut specifications.

Setup Sheet
Automatically assemble a list of all operations showing all pertinent data for those operations, to be viewed on the screen or printed.

EDM Specific Post Processors
Post processors utilize specific functionality of each machine/control combination, allowing more complex parts to be programmed. Output requires no editing to cut the part.

Other Powerful Features Include:

  • Auto threading
  • Glue Stops
  • Entry/Exit Radius
  • Start and End Angle
  • Definable Cut Angle
  • Conic/Cylindrical
  • Dimensioning

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