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eNETDNC - Machine Monitoring


The machine-monitoring feature allows for collection of real-time production data directly from the machine controls. Using the DNC connection to the machine tool and a special monitoring board installed into the machine control. Connected via the DNC network, the eNET system is able to monitor the CNC control and provide information about the machine operation.

Instantly, management has access to the status of any machine tool in the plant. The system is able to report whether the machine is running production, involved in set-up or waiting for operations support. Finally, lost machine time due to quality, engineering, maintenance, or material handling can be monitored and resolved immediately. Machine shops will be able to track the sources of down time and put permanent solutions in place.

One example would be cycle start, by monitoring when the spindle is running and how many times the program cycle started, management is able to gain valuable information into machine utilization. This information is independent of the shop floor data entry and use of the machine monitoring system is sure to increase the integrity of your manufacturing data. If the machine is sitting idle during a production cycle management will be able to identify the downtime.

The machine monitoring option in eNETDNC allows management to determine which data is important to their operations. The system can be configured to collect a variety of information including; downtime related to set-up, maintenance, first piece inspection and quality issues. If the machine is equipped with a bar feed system operators can be paged when stock is low. Cycle times, machine loads and part counts can all be reviewed remotely using the Machine Monitoring feature and your existing network.

The graphical display allows for easy review of data. For more sophisticated data analysis and report building the information can be uploaded into Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access or similar products. Finally, data collected via the machine monitoring system can be used directly with your shop management software package again increasing the accuracy of your manufacturing data.

Real Time Production Data Directly From the Machine Control

  • Receive instant status of all machines on the DNC network.
  • Identify if machines are running production or idle.
  • Track machine downtime due to Engineering, Quality or Maintenance issues.
  • Receive part count and cycle-time directly from the machine control. The system adds integrity to labor reporting.
  • Valuable reports identify sources of downtime and allow companies to take appropriate actions.
  • Information available to multiple users via internal computer networks or remote users via the Internet.

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